Launched in August 2019, DigitalMINDSET is a nine-month intervention programme in collaboration with TOUCH Community Services, and MINDSET's second flagship project. DigitalMINDSET seeks to help youths aged 12 to 21 regulate their emotions resulting from excessive cyber gaming and use of technological devices while managing their addictive behaviours.

Since its launch, DigitalMINDSET has over 370 youths being enrolled in the programme and with schools and parents contributing towards the 452 referrals received.

The programme undertakes a holistic approach comprising not only one-to-one and family casework sessions, but also group therapy sessions that include activities such as behavioural and personality profiling.

In terms of support, MINDSET provides DigitalMINDSET with S$1.6 million in funding over five years, as well as support and mentorship from its Jardine Ambassadors, from across the Jardine Matheson Group. Besides being the youths’ role models, they also provide career guidance through discussions and organise learning journeys to Jardine companies for the youths to gain career insights.

The following were achieved at end of October 2023 following the programme’s launch:

  • S$1.6 million pledge for a five-year period
  • Support and mentorship from Jardine Ambassadors
  • 452 referrals
  • 377 youths enrolled

Click below to find out about our other flagship project:

MINDSET Learning Hub
MINDSET Learning Hub
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